Open Daily 9 am – 4 pm

Education • Conservation • Adventure • Community

Open Daily 9 am to 4 pm

Zoo hit by storm

Zoo Hit By Storm, Made Quick Recovery!

A straight-line wind storm struck the zoo at around 8:30 am (CDT) yesterday, May 12th, but all people and animals are safe and repairs are just about completed. Dr. Adam Langston, the Zoo’s Director and Veterinarian, was pleased to report that none of the animals were injured and thankfully, none of the animal enclosure fencing was compromised, so no animals escaped or got loose. The zoo was fully staffed at the time the storm hit and that allowed everybody to quickly lock down the facility, get animals into their night houses, and keep themselves safe as well. Most of the damage was to the exterior fencing in the parking lot, to larger trees that were felled, to a few of our smaller structures, and to canopies and sunshades that were swept down. The zoo was temporarily closed while crews removed downed trees and  limbs, and our staff was able to make other repairs. A big thanks goes to our team of trusty volunteers who joined in raking up branches and leaves scattered everywhere across the entire park, and now the zoo is back open, business as usual!

We are grateful that no one was hurt and we recovered quickly from this storm, but it is just another reminder about how much more secure we will feel when we have relocated to the New Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo, scheduled to open by the end of 2019. While it won’t be completely weather-proof, the new zoo will provide a great deal more structural protection, updated conveniences and equipment and much safer conditions overall – for our staff, for our animals, and for our guests.

With the start of another hurricane season just around the corner, we are anxiously determined to keep the construction of the new zoo on its path to completion. With an amazing history like ours, support from all corners will help us finally achieve a future that is as safe and sound as we can make it. 



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The mission of the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo is to create compelling experiences that connect people and community with wildlife, and inspire personal responsibility for conservation of the natural world. Education. Conservation. Adventure. Community.


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo

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